“As I was saying, with no Tenancy Agreement, there’s nothing to claim; and with no rent payment receipts, there’s no evidence of payment. With these two strategies, we can do anything we like with them and get away with it. They think going to school and learning big-big books is everything.” Hasnem Overwith said, sipping a glass of milk to push down the piece of bread he had in his mouth.
He tilted his big head backwards to enable the milk run its course through his large throat unhindered. As he brought his head back slowly to its normal position, his huge, black eyes glided in their sockets and focused briefly on the large wall painting of him dedicating his latest SUV – Lexus LX 2018 model at the forecourt of the Teach Not My Appointed Ministries International, in the Northern Poles. He smiled and nodded in satisfaction as he inhaled the cold breeze from the AC which blended well with the packs of exotic air fresheners placed in the chandelier overhead as well as the flower pots positioned in the four corners of the twenty-by-fifteen feet hall.
The garden-fresh fragrance that circulated in the room and the soft country music playing at the background gave a soothing to his emotions. He stroked his beard with his left hand and rubbed his potbelly.
“Of course, there is more to life than schooling, if they haven’t figured that out yet. If those of us who haven’t had much schooling could provide shelter for the so-called educated people to rent, then we are even more useful to them than they are to themselves with all their learning. Look at us, just Middle School leavers, with multiple housing estates providing accommodation for government workers and even doctorate degree holders, a thriving transport business and an active social support programme taking care of hundreds of young people who are not even our own biological children. If this is not success, I don’t know what else is.” Sally added with a smile flickering across her face as the soft cushion in the chair pampered her back while she tapped her feet gently on the footrest.
I never believed all these beautiful things could happen to me. How I wished my poor mother would have lived to enjoy these fruits of her labour. Hm. she thought.
“Indeed, I couldn’t have married a smarter woman. Look at you, adorable mother-of-four, deputy commander-in-chief of our home. I love you dearly, Sally.” Lifting a glass of wine to a toast, he declared “And now, here’s to life. To money; more money…” “Is that a rap on the door? Putoff, check who’s there. Tell the person we’re having a meal so later.” Overwith ordered, wiping his lips with a tissue.