The Story of The Eagle

Good morning dear friend. I trust you had a pleasant sleep and have awaken with a strong resolve and determination to work at achieving your dreams.
This morning, I have a strong urge to share a timeless story that has inspired and keeps inspiring me all my life with you.
It is referred to mostly as the The Story of the Eagle or simply, The Eagle Story. Now, take a read:
A man found an eagle’s egg in the forest one day. He brought it home and put it in a nest of a barnyard hen. The eagle hatched with the brood of chicks and grew up with them.
All his life, the eagle did what the barnyard chicks did, thinking he was a barnyard chicken. He scratched the earth for worms and insects. He clucked and cackled. And he would thrash his wings and fly a few feet in the air.
Five years later, a naturalist came to visit the man, and noticed the bird. He said to the owner: “Look here, this is an eagle, not a chicken”. The man replied: “Yes, you may well be right, but I have trained it to be a chicken. It is no longer an eagle; it is a chicken though it is enormous”.
The naturalist said: “No, it is an eagle, it has the heart of an eagle, and I shall make it soar high to the heavens”. The owner comes back with a retort: “No, it is now a chicken, and it will never fly”.
They agreed to test it. The naturalist picked up the bird, held it up, and said loudly: “Eagle, thou art an eagle; thou dost belong to the sky and not down here. Stretch out thy wings and fly”, and with that he hurled the bird up.
The eagle turned this way and that, and then looking down, saw the chickens eating, and came to join them.
The owner said: “I told you it is now a chicken”. “No”, said the naturalist, “This bird is an eagle. I shall come back and prove this to you”.
The exercise was repeated three times, with the same result. The bird always came back to feed with the chickens.
The naturalist returned yet again, chose a hill, and held the bird aloft, pointing it to the rising sun, and shouted: “Eagle! Thou art an eagle; thou dost not belong down here. Thou dost belong to the sky.
Guess what? The Eagle began to fly. It soared high up into the skies and never returned!
This story teaches one thing: one’s mentality determines one’s achievement. Think of being a chicken without the ability to fly and you are nothing more than a chicken. Think of being an Eagle with an enormous capacity to fly and you are an Eagle.
I hope this story will motivate you to be an Eagle.
You too can fly!

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