Bearded Lady

Hobbling to work one sunny Tuesday morning, Kevin encountered an old friend he hadn’t seen in a long time. Guess the greeting she offered as she drove past:

“You’re now almost an old man.” Stunned, Kevin couldn’t offer a response as he hadn’t rehearsed one for such a greeting. As he got to work few minutes afterwards, he sat down and pondered briefly on his earlier encounter. His immediate response was to ignore. So, he did.

The fact of his early greying and becoming bald a bit too early for his age was an open secret. But there was little he could do about it but to live with it the rest of his life. Whether he’d had done anything unconsciously to speed up the two processes was inconsequential under the circumstances.

Though he’d ignored the comment from his friend earlier in the morning, as soon as he got back home after closing from work, something struck him. The lady whom he’d encountered in the morning equally had some genetic defects; she’d been bearded for longer than Kevin had known her for over a decade but he’d never for once called out her obvious physical defects as a form of greeting to her. So, for her to have chosen what in his view that morning was a derogatory way of greeting was something that puzzled him (though, he had earlier chosen to ignore her).

The answer to Kevin’s puzzle wasn’t far-fetched; it is deeply rooted in the Ghanaian hypocrisy! Most Ghanaians are quick to spot specks in other people’s eyes and are quick to offer to remove the specks even when they have huge logs in their own eyes.





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