Systems, Masters and Victims

We set up and enforce systems, beliefs and doctrines that cause innocent, unfortunate human beings to develop personalities we do not like. We contribute immensely to their states, either as active participants, stoking the flames that keep the fires of that system burning, or as passive participants looking on whilst the system festered. Then, we turn around and blame the victims for what we’ve turned them into. That’s who we are — shameless victim blamers!

And here we are, and everyone’s blaming somebody. The opportunists are blaming their victims for not turning their back enough for them to ride. The bullies are blaming their victims for not staying on their knees forever. Hypocrites are blaming their victims for not giving them enough chance to showcase their craft. And, the gossips! The gossipers are blaming innocent victims of circumstances for not giving them so much to talk about. Yes, that’s who we are: f*cking hypocrites!

So, when next you think of climbing your high horse and pontificating, ask yourself: what role have you played in turning people into “undesirable” elements in society.

Everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle…

One thought on “Systems, Masters and Victims

  1. This is a clear epitome of our tragic society. Everyone blames everyone, except themselves for every negative thing. But none sees their contribution to the negativity that lives with us.

    Tragic piece brewed beautifully.

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