…reeling and whining under the weight of the peoples’ desire to get a piece of card, the harmless Corona protocol named Social Distance soon crumbled, becoming a pale shadow of its original self. So-shun-distance took over…
“To hell with health protocols. Ye se four more ä, wo se protocol. We will do anything, even at the peril of our lives so long as that gives us an opportunity to keep Naabudani on the skin. Four more to do more!”, someone shouted from the crowd…
“You’re there shouting four more, four more. What have you benefited since Naabudani mounted the skin? You tell me. Four more to do what more? Jomama beba!”
“Continue tickling yourself and laughing. You’d soon be laughing at the wrong side of your mouth. Instead of you getting smart and positioning yourself so you can enjoy some money from the Npipi clan, you’re there pushing a broken Ndisi vehicle”. Be there.
“It’s sad this is coming from you. You’re not worried nursing mothers carry their innocent and delicate infants to registration centres for Corona nourishment”. It’s a sad distin.