….buying and hoarding ambulances supposedly meant to aid emergency health delivery is definitely an #Unwise decision. No amount of political communication tricks or PR can make it right…
But you see, it takes citizens with civic consciousness to demand and ensure their taxes are put to good use!
When a President encourages citizens during his investiture, to be Citizens and not Spectators, he must have learned through observation that at certain moments in the life of a leader, while his team members are busy fortifying themselves against any possible loss of power, grabbing assets and resources, reason would be in short supply and those in his inner circle can become incapable of providing the right counsel for him to work with… So, he asks for help ahead of time.
It is definitely disingenuous to suggest that procuring ambulances in batches and packing them till a full complement is obtained is to avoid being criticized for bias in the selection of districts to benefit first. What happens to the various ways of distributing scarce resources, including conducting #draws or even balloting? “Waiting for full complements before distribution” is an euphemism for a lie sold to credulous people who have made belief their stock in trade and reasoning an avowed enemy. Politicians don’t wait for everyone to get food before they eat.
The truth however is, distributing the ambulances close to the election is explained by the #RecencyEffect Theory which posits that it is easier to recall most recent information than previous ones.