I am shocked at the deep level of resentment being shown by some people towards Government’s decision to accept two ex-Gitmo detainees (Mohammed Bin Atef and Al-Dhuby) into Ghana as a first step towards their rehabilitation after being held for fourteen years without being charged.
I am also shocked at the involvement of some religious groups and their leaders in the matter. The Christian Council, the Catholic Bishops Conference, the Pentecostal Council as well as the Shi’ite Muslim sect have all expressed their opposition to Government’s move to accept the two Yemenis. In quoting some verses in the Bible to back their argument to repatriate the ex-Gitmo detainees, the Christian groups, for instance are shooting themselves in the foot and confusing their followers on the need to show compassion and forgiveness to others.
I thought they say Christ came for ‘sinners’ and not the righteous? And that he admonishes his followers to: accept strangers, clothe the naked and visit prisoners, failing which “Then shall he [Christ] answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me” (Mt 25:45).
As a nation we have more serious things to worry about than progressing on this holier-than-thou path and banging our heads over whether or not Bin Atef and Al-Dhuby (who as we understand are both being closely monitored) deserve to live amongst us. If their presence poses any threat to us, let us allow the security experts to deal with that. In the meantime, let’s focus our energies working on how to sanitize the judiciary, end dum-sor and improve living conditions among others.
This has been one of the best argument I’ve read about these Gitmo detainees. I wish those concern would read it and see what wisdom really means.