…Meet Dicks Ön, Head of Corporate Communications for the newly established HR firm. Thick tall, he walked with a heavy thud, head bowed and kept his hoarse voice high any time he spoke. He was always chewing something. He hardly shook hands with anyone; if he did, he left the task for the other person to complete…
But, if you thought Dicks Ön was bad, wait till you meet White Pè whose middle name was incompetence. White Pè had never served any organization beyond a year, he would be fired before he enters his second year. Nothing he touched lived. He’d turned his previous job on its head before he was fired.
The HR organization must have been his seventh or so employment in less than ten years. He was the Director of Human Resource and the CEO’s confidante.
Every man had his own strengths and White Pè must have his too but public speaking was definitely not one of his virtues. He muttered and mumbled and made a fool of himself anytime he spoke.
But the brightest further in his cup was that he didn’t know about his speech handicap so he spoke freely at public gatherings and offered free advice.
He was a man not in lack of anything. He was cunning as he was brute. Where rationality left him, his physical strength took him. Drollery was his stock in trade, and buffoonery, his hallmark…