Have you ever been confronted with an activity or a process you knew absolutely nothing or very little about? You are sitting or standing there helpless (and even embarrassed) about your ignorance and wished you had known better about the situation at hand?
Let’s say your wife or partner had travelled. You have exhausted (in 4 days) all the food she’d kept in the fridge for you (to last 7 days).
Or, let’s assume you’re riding with a friend in his car and suddenly he/she fell sick and being the only person with him it was your duty to takeover the machine to get your pall to the nearest health centre.
Or, let’s imagine you’ve got some money and wish to buy a piece of land. What do you do? What processes do you follow from beginning to the point where you have a title?
I hope the premise is now clear enough. Now, here’s what I wish to humbly request from you: Think about certain things in daily or normal life (generally, might be your own life or people you interact with directly or remotely) that makes one wish one had earlier known “How to so-so-and-so” etc.
Once you have successfully identified a subject, please write it down in the following format:
“How to operate a blender”
This activity is part of something I wish to teach ONLY members of this platform (for now) about “How to Generate Writing Ideas”.
Thank you.