When the health of a people becomes crucial, delivery of emergency services must replace logic. No politics. Drones are the most efficient and safest way to deliver health supplies in a country whose road travels are nightmares.
We won’t fix the roads. You can cry all you can. We won’t. And, we won’t zip your mouths too; you are free to talk. Yetie obiaa! If you like, drone into the Gulf of Guinea, who cares?
Thanks to our party Chairman, we now have One constituency, One Ambulance! Contact our constituency executive if you must transport your sick relations to any tertiary health facility for treatment. We need more drones to end our travel outside for medical treatment.
In another breadth, the economy is in dire straits. Times are haaard! But, you see Social Democracy is not synonymous with poverty oo. If you want to be President, show your financial muscle.
You think being President is child’s play? We won’t reduce the cost of nomination forms, neither will we reduce the flying fees. Why? You figa say é be tissue paper top we go print the ballots? E be men’s~gold plates we go use!
If we must wrestle power from these property-owning guys, we must show we also have property.
Kai, e dey roll dey come! 2020 come like kakai!
Yeah! Interesting times.
really hilarious😃😄😃interesting times we live in