We have been told that a key strategy in the fight against corona is to “wash our hands with soap under running water”. To this end, it became mandatory for owners of shops, management of offices and other public places to provide veronica buckets filled with water, soap and tissues and to ensure that people obey this hand washing protocol…
Unfortunately, we now have a situation where you find only a lonely, unhappy veronica bucket standing in a corner somewhere at places (including registration centres) without soap and tissue. You ask of/for soap and you’re told “liquid soap has been poured” into the water in the veronica bucket. Why? “Some people expend too much of the soap on the hand washing. To prevent such waste, we pour the soap into the water in the bucket”. They say
You proceed to wash your hands, turn on the tap, water runs out onto your hands, and then you ask yourself aloud “so where’s the soap?” and corona responds “I am here”.
Very insightful piece.
In fact, a lot of thought provoking issues on the minds of a lot. Thanks for being the voice of the voiceless.